At a large global health care manufacturer, a leader had been promoted to VP of Quality 18 months prior to coaching. Before meeting with Kathleen, he had not fully adapted his style to suit the breadth of his new role. Kathleen helped him focus on the big picture, empower and inspire his team, and improve at influencing senior leaders. The results? Less stress and more enjoyment in his role. Plus, co-workers noticed improvements in his ability to engage, inspire and hold others accountable, and senior leaders were pleased with his team’s progress on critical company goals.


A marketing director of a large pharmaceutical company was having difficulty building buy-in with peers. Using 360° feedback and Hogan personality assessments, Kathleen and the marketing director worked together to identify strengths and opportunities for development. For the next three months, they targeted the leader’s executive communication skills by assessing audiences before each presentation, considering tactics for gaining peer support and tailoring messages accordingly.


A need for guidance about both managing conflict with her boss and acting on her own career goals led the CFO of a private equity firm to seek coaching from Kathleen. A brief coaching engagement encouraged the leader to pursue a new CFO position at a large not-for-profit organization, aligning her philanthropic interests with her financial expertise.


At a global biomedical manufacturing company, a newly appointed VP and Head of Commercial for Europe sought input after relocating to London to manage a diverse team of European marketing and sales leaders. Assimilating his new team, understanding cross-cultural differences and adapting his leadership style to his new broad role had all proved difficult. These challenges became the focus of this American expatriate’s sessions with Kathleen. The changes he made brought tangible rewards: positive feedback from his team and manager and strong regional results against the sales and marketing plan.


Several General Managers and Country Managers at a large pharmaceutical company worked with Kathleen in targeted development coaching. In discussions that centered on unpacking their 360° feedback and assessing the key expectations of their roles, they became more aware of their strengths and crafted development plans that amplified their influence.